
Help for Women with ADHD by Joan Wilder

It’s a little misleading to call this page “Books” because I’ve only written one book on Amazon, but doing it has been such an eye-opener!

You see, as a journalist, I’ve spent a long time thinking that self-publishing wasn’t legit: that only a publishing house, newspaper, or magazine could produce valuable content. But the changes in the newspaper and magazine industries, along with and the advent of eBooks, eReaders, and print on demand publishing — prompted me to explore publishing on Amazon.  I took a course (which is no longer being offered or I’d post a link to it) and learned how to format, market, and publish a  Kindle book. Later, I made it available as a paperback, too.

And this book, as tiny as it is, has reached thousands and thousands of women and sold so well, I can’t believe it! Hearing from readers almost every week has kept me so interested in women and ADHD that I’m almost finished writing a second, much longer book on the same subject! It’ll be in the form of a daily reader where each entry stands on its own.  It should be out by June.

Meanwhile, check it out: Help For Women With ADHD: My Simple Strategies For Conquering Chaos. The Kindle version is $2.99 — free if you’re part of Kindle Unlimited — and the paperback is $7.99.

Help for Women with ADHD: My Simple Strategies for Conquering Chaos by Joan Wilder